How To Use System-driven Design To Create Better Games
System-driven design is a great design methodology for games. It will help you make better, more efficient, and more flexible games.
The Tools You Need To Create a Complete Video Game
Developing a video game is a complex project. In this post, we will explore the various tools you need to create your own video game.
OpenToonz: Best Free 2D Animation Software on the Market
OpenToonz is one of the best free 2D animation software. In this post, you will see the features of OpenToonz and what sets it apart from other animation tools.
DragonBones Animation: The Ultimate Animation Software for Beginners
DragonBones is a free and open-source 2D animation tool with great features. In this article, I will go over the features and pros and cons of DragonBones.
Quick Introduction To Skeletal Animation for Video Game Development
An introduction to skeletal animation (bone animation). Basic bone animation process, key concepts and considerations for choosing the right tool for you.
Inversion Thinking: How To Fail at Indie Game Development
Have you ever wondered why do indie game developers fail? In this article, you will learn how not to fail at game development.
Best Free Audio Tools and Resources for Game Development
High-quality audio is a crucial part of creating a successful video game. This article will list several free audio tools and resources for your project.
Godot Game Engine: The Greatest Thing Since Sliced Bread
Overview of the popular Godot game engine. The article covers the main features, pros and cons, and frequently asked questions about the engine.
Best Examples of Isometric Games and How They Work
Isometric games have existed for several decades. Here, I will explain what isometric projection is, and give examples of famous games that use it.
16 Principles and Guidelines for a Really Great Game Design
What are the basic principles of a good game design? In this article, I will give you some guidelines to get you started with game design.